Manage Volunteers

Do you want to expand your volunteer base? Make your website a hub for recruitment. Our volunteer system enables you to manage and maintain relationships with these unique supporters.


Create an Online Community for Your Volunteers

Through your website, you can easily recruit, manage, and organize volunteers thanks to the volunteer management system.

Keep Your Volunteers engaged throughout their service

Every volunteer who signs up for an opportunity will have their own profile, which you can use to keep track of their interests and history. Maintain their interest both before and after their service is completed.

You'll be able to track participation, hours, notes, and contact information on the administrative side. Plus, send emails directly from your website to confirm signups and remind people about their commitments.


Our Volunteer System Features


List Opportunities

Add a list of unlimited volunteer opportunities on your website.


Recruit Volunteers

Display sign up forms to recruit volunteers.


Profile Dashboard

Volunteers can view/edit their details and see list of opportunities.


Automated Emails

Automated reminder notification sent straight to the volunteer's inbox.

Ready to start your DIY website with us?

Choose Your Pricing Plan

Your website can grow with your business as there are three different pricing options available. Our plans give flexibility whenever you need it and start at just $20 per month.

Volunteer Management Resources

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